Request Cancellation

To request cancellation of your Melaleuca Home Security account, please complete and submit the form below. Submitting this form does not automatically cancel your account, but it does notify us of your desire to terminate service at this address. An agent will contact you once your account is canceled to speak to you about any additional steps necessary to cancel your account. For a cancellation to be processed, it may be necessary to pay off a remaining equipment balance or fulfill other contractual obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed to when you activated your account.

Please include details about why you have chosen to cancel your home security (recent move, financial hardship, problems with your system or service). Our goal is to help you any way we can. If there is something specific that we can do to help you, please let us know!

Call us to.

1-208-534-3444 (option to speak to a live agent)
Hours: Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. MT


Or send us a message.